Mining plan, 295.48
Enforcement, 295.78, 295.79
Environmental impact statements, 295.53
Exemption from statute requirements, 295.56
Grant or denial, 295.58
Modification, 295.63
Notification, 295.465
Plan, 295.46
Procedure, 295.57
Reclamation plan, 295.49
Reporting, 295.63
Shoreline and floodplain zoning, 295.607
Site monitoring, 285.64
State government:
Department responsibilities, 295.43
Orders; mining and reclamation orders and plans, 295.78
Review of decisions, 295.77
Successors, obligations, 295.65
Waste sites:
Construction and completion reports, 295.62
Inspection, record keeping, reporting, responses, 295.635
Location criteria; feasibility study, plan of operation, 295.51
Modification, 295.63
Monitoring, 295.643
Groundwater quality, monitoring, response, 295.645
Surface and groundwaters; withdrawal, 295.61
Wetlands, impact, 295.60
mining_3. nonferrous metallic minerals 3. Nonferrous Metallic Minerals
Account of ore received, penalty, 107.11, 107.12
Exploration, 293.21 (3)
Operator or prospector to file, 293.51
Release, 293.63
Cessation of mining, see Reclamation or cessation, under this subhead
Conflicting claims, 107.03
Conflict of laws, 293.93
Definitions, 107.001, 293.01
Enforcement by justice department, 293.87
Citizen suits, 293.89
Environmental impact statement, 293.35 (5), 293.39, 293.43
Leases, 107.20, 107.25
License, bond, 293.21
Permits, 293.21
Reporting requirements, 107.15
Forfeitures, exploring, prospecting or mining without authorization, 293.81
Fraud or neglect by miner, 107.04
Injuries to persons and property:
Claims, mining damage fund, 107.31
Closed sites, application of law, 107.34
Current mining sites, application of law, 107.35
Liability of mining companies, 107.32
Limitation periods on claims, 107.33, 893.925
Local agreements regarding development, 293.41
Local impact committee, 293.33
Moratorium on issuing permits for sulfide ore bodies, 293.50
Natural resources department:
Inspection powers, 293.86
Orders of department, 293.83
Cessation of mining or reclamation, 293.59
Powers and duties, 293.13, 293.15
Review of departmental decision, 293.95
Review of mining and reclamation plans and bonds, 293.53 (2)
Nonconforming sites, 293.91
Permits and licenses:
General provisions:
Deposit required, 70.395 (2) (dc)
Exploration, 293.21
Hearings on applications, 293.43
Lack of, forfeiture, 293.81
Modification, 293.55
Orders of natural resources department, violations, 293.83
Pollution discharge, application, 283.51
Preliminary data collection:
Fees, 293.32
Monitoring, 293.31
Reclamation plan, 293.35, 293.37 (3), 293.55
Security required, 293.51
Mine excavation permits, 101.15
Mining permits:
Application, 293.37
Hearings, 283.51, 293.43
Grant or denial, 293.49
Moratorium on issuing for sulfide ore bodies, 293.50
Review of decisions, 293.53 (2)
Prospecting permits: